With customers across the private and public sectors, we provide storage and retrieval solutions for hard copy documents, magnetic data storage tapes and heritage assets together with a range of document management services. Increasingly this includes emergency digital return of records on an ad-hoc basis.

We provide our clients with a full records management service from ‘cradle to grave’. We are more than happy to remove files from shelves, create an inventory of the files, box up files and transport to our secure document archive, giving you time for more important tasks.

We can complete this record management quickly and efficiently with little disruption. We regard all our clients as business partners, offering a bespoke service based on their requirements, whilst working closely with them as an extension to their own business.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements with one of our specialists on 01702 298068

Our Record Management Process:

Our Record Management Services:


Demands to focus on the core business often results in records management strategy being pushed to one side. We have a wealth of experience at our disposal for organisations who need professional advice and project management, in areas including:

  • Space utilisation
  • Working practices
  • Legislation and retention schedules
  • Indexing and classification schemes
  • System design and implementation
  • Integrating paper and electronic records
  • Auditing

From the design, supply and installation of static and mobile shelving and racking, however large or small, to specifically accommodate your operational process.


We supply a full range of cardboard boxes from archive boxes, small to large boxes. These are stocked at our warehouse and available at our on-site shop.

Boxes come in a range of standard sizes but can be made bespoke and branded to client’s requirements for larger quantity orders.

Our warehouse and on-site shop also stocks and supplies:-

  • Bubble Wrap,
  • Marker Pens,
  • Sticky Labels,
  • Tape Gun,
  • Parcel Tape,
  • Other Tapes,
  • Gloves,
  • Crates,
  • Sack Trucks,
  • Stationery,

 Plastic bags in various sizes & colours.

Please visit our on-site shop or call 01702 298068 for further details.


Our DBS vetted staff will collect and transport documentation or assets as required to meet with our clients’ needs.


Our records management staff will perform on-site packing of boxes, indexing and classification of files and boxes, implement records retention rules etc.

Our team are able to travel overseas to implement client’s corporate policies and to support office moves, transporting assets to and from the UK for organisations consolidating their business.


We provide a full range of archiving storage services from standard warehouse storage, fire proof storage, live file management and deep storage.


Our services include the supply and rental of consoles, wheeled bins, confidential waste sacks, boxes and on-site shredding machine hire.

Contact us for more information.

Issues Facing Today’s Businesses…


The Modern Business Environment

Today’s fiercely competitive world of commerce has made it increasingly important for businesses to focus on core strategic activity, creating a demand to outsource the management of information held within paper-based business processes whilst they remain active files.


Driving Down Costs & The New Digital World

The cost of office space is high on the agenda for most organisations, particularly those that are rationalising property as a result of mergers and acquisitions.

As a consequence, back office functions such as records management are being moved to more cost-effective offsite locations, or stored in digital format.

Competitive Advantage

As organisations seek to gain an edge on their competitors, it is now vital to provide a responsive customer service. This can be achieved by streamlining information processes, enabling fast and simple access to critical records, essential in helping them to understand and service their customers.


Regulatory Compliance

Stricter controls by the regulatory bodies governing industry, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have forced organisations to re-examine their records management policy.

We can no longer put files in a box and forget about them! The need to be able to pin-point and retrieve documents is now a pre-requisite.

Talk To Our Team


To discuss your business requirements with one of our experts call 01702 298068